Our website covering Property, Autos, Careers and Classifieds

Gethat.com caters to 13 different Target Audiences in 4 niche spaces of Property, Autos, Classifieds & Jobs.
Getthat.com has had about 683K+ PageViews and 68K+ Unique Users per month
We’ve had 400,000+ registered users to date, double opt-in with mobile and email.
We have the highest number of users in the age group 25-34 (52%) and 35 to 44 (22%)
On an average bounce rates are below 25% and pages per session are around 5 to 6
Average time on site: 3-4 minutes
Since launch our content section guides has received around 87,000 page views
We have over 14,450 employers, 4285 landlords, around 150 short and long term agents and 1,050 service providers who work with us to get them qualified leads.
We have about 140,440 jobseekers registered on the site finding jobs in the UAE.